
Monster Umbrella-2

I was lost in the City of Clouds.
Then I met Dark clouds .
The rain platypus take root among the clouds,
their tears go through the cloud ,the atmosphere,Over the eaves and finally come to my window.

The Monster Umbrella become an ordinary umbrella and I lost it.

The rain stopped and the sun go down.

I still can't find my little Monster Umbrella.

6 条评论:

匿名 说...

I love love love your style. GREAT work!

匿名 说...

a lonely boy sitting in a beautiful sky.what a lovely.

匿名 说...


lime 说...

启鑫,我也去看了你的BLOG咯~ 原来是杭州的文立哦~ 呵呵

匿名 说...

喜欢云彩.. .蓝蓝的,却也没留下什么..

匿名 说...
